SLU (Student visas with a duration of more than 180 days of stay in Spain)
- Hogar
- National Visas
- SLU (Student visas with a duration of more than 180 days of stay in Spain)
Visado de Corta Duración (Hasta 90 días)
National Visas
- RFK Minors
- RFK Wife/Husband
- SLU (Student visas with a duration of more than 180 days of stay in Spain)
- SSU (Student visas with a duration of less than 180 days of stay in Spain)
- SSF (Visas for relatives of students studying a course with a duration of less than 6 months)
- SLF (Visas for relatives of students studying a course with a duration of more than 6 months)
- TRA (Visa to work in spain with a contract and work permit)
- TRE (Work permit exempt visas for nuns and priests)
- RES (Non lucrative residence)
- TAC (Visas for highly qualified professionals)
- RIN (Visas for researchers going to work with institutions in Spain)
SLU (Student visas with a duration of more than 180 days of stay in Spain)
SLU (Student visas with a duration of more than 180 days of stay in Spain)Estimados solicitantes, Agentes de Viaje y Representantes, sírvanse leer con detenimiento las nuevas tasas y otros costes vigentes ::
The Embassy only accepts translations from certified translators in Spain. Applicants can find the link for the list of certified translators in Spain. Detalles sobre la fotoAdvertencia: Sentimos no poder aceptar aquellas fotografías que no se ajusten a los requisitos siguientes Proporcione una fotografía de sí mismo reciente (de no más de 6 meses de antigüedad), que no haya sido utilizada previamente en el pasaporte. La fotografía debe ser en color y:
Advertencia: Por favor siga estas instrucciones cuidadosamente. Si las fotografías presentadas no cumplen con estos requisitos, su solicitud será considerada incompleta. El centro cuenta con una cabina fotográfica (fotomatón) que cumple estos requisitos. The national visa application form should be duly filled and signed by the applicants. (Signatures must always be from the applicants themselves, never from a representative). |